Thursday, May 11, 2006

ontdekking van de week: Makazoruki

Review van een Nederlandse band waar ik zwaar van verrast was. In't Engels omdat het geschreven werd voor

It's so weird we, being Belgians, never really look over the border to check Holland bands that much. Imagine noiserock music in Europe without bands such as gone bald or the ex. Experimental bands that mix noise-rock with some sort of a fusion feature on it. This Makazoruki follows quite the same concept in a very unique way.Makazoruki are 4 people from Bosnia that moved to Amsterdam to record their first demo. They contributed to a Sonic youth tribute album with an extraordinary coverversion of "shadow of a doubt". This is their debut album on narrominded records. For a start,the artwork is beautiful and appealing. Some collage painting kind of things that create a warm, yet desperate feeling. Artwork that fits the band completely.If you really want, you can compare every band with noisy influences with Sonic youth but Makazoruki really does have some typical SY sound in it. Still they have this epic vocalist that talks-sings-screams tons of emotions. Be it personal or political, he convinces you of his uprightness. The mix of great technical guitarmusic, epic parlandos and apocalyptic noise bursts from time to time make this debut album on of the most interesting albums of the year. Sounds really 80's, sounds like the last album you will hear before jumping from a buidling, sounds wonderful.file under: sonic youth, warm epic vocals, parlandos, hüsker dü, poetry